Cabin Fever Coffee Co.
Vancouver Island Premium Hand-Roasted Coffee
Carefully selected and ethically sourced beans with the highest quality from around the world. Roasted-to-order in small hand-roasted batches to ensure quality and freshness giving you a new experience with every roast delivered right to your door.
We source our coffees through Mountain Coffee’s certified Organic and Fair-Trade warehouse in Delta B.C. Mountain Coffee sources its coffees directly from producers at origin, to ensure fair compensation to all producers.
Through much trial and error and extensive testing, we developed what we believe to be some of the highest-quality coffees available.
Every drip of Cabin Fever Coffee Co is a drip towards a sustainable future.

Mapache, El Salvador
Our Number One coffee, selection comes from a farm in EI Salvador named Mapache Estate. This Estate is made up of 6 total farms at 1300m above sea level in the Apeneca Ilamatepec mountain range. Mapache maintains a strong commitment to the well-being of the coffee forests and employs up to 600 locals during harvesting. Coffees from these regions and most of Central America produce very sweet and smooth-like flavours resembling milk chocolate, nutty, and caramel notes.

Bukissa, Ethiopia
Our second coffee selection is a Yirgacheffe, sourced from a region located in the southern parts of Ethiopia called Bukissa. Yirgancheffe is a high-altitude coffee located between 1800-2000m above sea level. Ethiopia is believed to be the birthplace of coffee. It is said that a Goat Herder named Kaldi noticed the energy in his goats after they fed on coffee plants. Coffees from Ethiopia boast floral, fruity notes like tree fruits, berries, and spice.

Brazillian SSFC
Our third coffee selection is our decaf which is a Brazillian SSFC (Strictly Soft Fine Cup) processed natural and pulped natural meaning the coffee is dried with all or most of the fruit still on the bean. This process imparts sweet, fruity notes and produces a creamy body. The result is a well-balanced, nutty, chocolatey profile with low acidity and a smooth body. The bean is then put through a Swiss Water Decaf process removing the caffeine without the use of chemicals.